So I finally made my grand return to the wonderful city of New York after the end of another semester in Boston. I miss Boston and all its snowiness, but there's nothing like being home in New York City.
In recent exciting Madrid news: I found out who my host family will be! It's going to be a family of four. The couple has two sons, one is 20 years old, the other is 14. They also have a bird and live in the center of Madrid. I can't wait to meet them! It's all coming together and it's finally starting to feel real. I still don't think it has fully sunk in that I'm going to be in Madrid for 4 months. Everyone jokes that it'll only hit me once I'm on the plane..
I'm already missing people in Boston, especially the ones who don't really go on aim or I only talk to through facebook. I encourage you all to get skype or a webcam so I can see your shining faces from Madrid! Nothing would make me happier.
I am having some issues with scheduling my classes though. It turns out that all the classes I want to take are offered on Monday/Wednesday so that means that I'd go from 10:45-7 those two days. That's a tad stressful and one of the main reasons I decided to go abroad was to free myself of stress. (but that's what wine is for too..) I'll see what I can do to fix things.
Lastly, a bit of musical news -- I am now in love with Il Divo after accidentally seeing them perform "Hallelujah." It was absolutely incredible and they all have voices that make your mouth just fall open in shock. If you feel like experiencing a bit of American, French, Spanish and Swiss joy, watch them sing here. I promise you won't regret it.
Until the next adventure,
I'm going to go ahead and stray from my usual babbling of sorts about Madrid and study abroad for just a moment.
Last night, I saw "Milk," a film about Harvey Milk, the first homosexual man to run and be elected to public office in the United States. It was absolutely amazing -- one of those movies that is two hours long and you don't even feel the time pass by. The acting was incredible from everyone: Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, James Franco, Diego Luna and Alison Pill.
It's really one of those movies that just opens your eyes to the Gay Rights Movement and shows you how ignorant some people were and, shockingly enough, can still be. (Especially with the whole psychosis of Proposition 8 in California..) But despite all that, hope is never lost. It was funny and sad, serious and humorous, sexual yet appropriate all at the same time. Not many films can accomplish this.
I encourage everyone to watch the trailer and see the movie.
Until next time,
I think the Study Abroad Office is out to get me. It's official -- They hate me and, subsequently, I hate them. At the beginning of the semester, they changed the deadline to submit the applications from October 15 to September 15 without telling anyone. Naturally, I missed it and had a panic attack. Then, after I submit everything, they told me my application was incomplete when, clearly, it was not. After all this craziness, they finally accepted me. Now, during orientation, they tell me that I never applied for the Internship program so they didn't give me an internship.
Finally, after fighting with them, I have an interview because "luckily" they have a space and they're able to place me somewhere. The interview, mind you, must be between 9am and 3pm Spain time, which is 3am and 9am East Coast time. Fun!
I swear to you, this entire experience is just beyond my comprehension. These people have been driving me up the wall since the beginning of the semester. I thought the *consulate* was going to be bad. Ha, in comparison, they're angels. In fact, they gave me a longer visa than I requested so in theory, I can wander around Spain for another [almost] two months after my program ends.
Oy. I just want to settle everything already and be on my merry little way to my beautiful Madrid, where the sun shines and the churros are crunchy.. (and BU officials don't make me want to rip my hair out.)