Another glorious perk of my wonderful internship in Madrid, aside from the dressing up like sexy superheroes for carnavales, are my free trips! Although Córdoba was a short trip, I saw quite a bit and Andalucía is absolutely gorgeous. Granted, I was a little bit tired since it was the third week of traveling in a row, but it's all worth it when you see things like this:
These pictures really do not do the Mezquita (Mosque) and its surroundings any justice (so much for my career as a photographer..) because it was truly breathtaking. (I also want to add that the weather was kind of terrible when we went .. cloudy and disgusting.)
First of all, the Mezquita is ENORMOUS. One can easily get lost so I highly suggest you go with a group of friends or a guided tour. Believe you me, it is definitely worth it. There's even a Christian part and signatures engraved in the stones of the Jews & other workers who built it. Es impresionante, de verdad...
I also enjoyed the fact that on the sign above, Burger King & the Mezquita are on the same sign.
After that we went to the judería (Jewish Quarters) and saw all of the tiny little streets (big surprise in Europe, I know..). I liked the Synagogue and the statue of Maimonides. We also stopped by the Zoco (ancient market) which was full of knick knacks and we all know how I feel about knick knacks..
Also For all of you interested in going to Córdoba, go to Calle de las Flores. It's this ridiculously small street/alley that leads to a little fountain. I know it doesn't sound like anything special, but it's just pretty. There's also this secret market/deli thing at the end of it that has little souvenirs and a well! (Yes, a well. in a store. Go see for yourself if you don't believe me..)
And that, my lovelies, was Córdoba. I do love Andalucía. My Sevilla Valentine's was definitely one I'll remember and Córdoba made for a nice spring trip as well.
Until next time,
Your Favorite Traveling Midget
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